[afro-nets] C-Channel 24 - Text messaging and behavior change - from C-Change

C-CHANNEL E-NEWSLETTER: Social and Behavior Change Communication
ISSUE 24 | October 2010

C-Channel 24 highlights the use of text messaging in public health interventions, with particular emphasis on communication for behavior change.

Two articles describe literature reviews on text messaging as a behavior change tool and five look at uses of text messaging across various health care issues, e.g., sexual health, communicable diseases, healthcare gaps, etc. A final three examine gender and cultural norms in the context of family planning, gender violence, and HIV prevention. Research for these articles was conducted in Malawi, Nicaragua, South Africa, Taiwan, Uganda, and the United States. The literature reviews include studies across multiple countries.

In support of the Government of Kenya's Male Circumcision (MC) Program and working with local partners, C-Change developed innovative communication materials, tools, and guiding documents on voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) that emphasize safe healing and continued HIV prevention practices. Visit C-Hub (http://www.c-hubonline.org/) to download these MC communication materials. See the C-Change website (http://www.c-changeprogram.org/where-we-work/kenya) for further information about C-Change work in Kenya.

Thank you,
The C-Change KM Team

To view the abstracts/articles from this issue, please visit: