[afro-nets] C-Channel 26 - Health communication and mass media campaigns - from C-Change

C-CHANNEL E-NEWSLETTER: Social and Behavior Change Communication
ISSUE 26 | January 2011

C-Channel 26 presents seven articles on health communication and mass media campaigns to change behaviors. The first reviews a range of health campaigns and factors that contributed to their success. The second discusses authenticity and dialogue as key components of behavior change campaigns. The third assesses how a theoretical framework connects to the outcome of a multimedia campaign. The next two articles examine HIV-related media campaigns in Nigeria and China. The last two, respectively, assess the quality of print articles about male circumcision and the quantity of information on HIV and AIDS on the internet by country.

C-Change assisted the Division of Reproductive Health of Kenya’s Ministry of Health with the "Plan for Yourself a Good Life" mass media campaign, which promotes informed choice on use of modern contraceptives and child spacing. Materials for radio, print, and billboards target peri-urban and rural men and women ages 25-35 in areas with low contraceptive prevalence. Download materials from C-Hub (www.c-hubonline.org/7892/).

The C-Change KM Team

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