Care of Onchocercal Skin Disease (3)
Dr. Tollosa Dibaba Asrat
Regarding your questions about obtaining ivermectin (Mectizan by MSD)
for treatment of onchocerciasis you may want to contact 'The Carter
Center'. Although the product can be purchased in some developed coun-
tries, it is also supplied free of charge by MSD for large scale treat-
ment of infected persons in developing countries where the disease is
endemic. You may contact the Carter Center via the internet at:
In addition to many other aspects of the program, previously the Carter
Center was involved with distributing and reviewing applications for
the free ivermectin program. Their web page is full of information on
the topic.
Kathleen Downs, RPh,
MPH Emergency Public Health Officer USPHS
assigned to the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)
U.S. Agency for International Development
Washington DC 20523-8602, USA
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