[afro-nets] FREE Malaria Educational CD-ROMs

FREE Malaria Educational CD-ROMs

Dear All,

The malaria educational site from Royal Perth Hospital, is now
available in English, French and Spanish.

The English site can be accessed at:

The site contains sections on Diagnosis, Prophylaxis, Treatment
and History as well as an innovative interactive "Test & Teach"
self assessment module. It is an ideal site for Clinicians, Sci-
entists, Healthcare Professionals and Students.

The MK VI version of a trilingual (English/Spanish/French) edu-
cational malaria CD-ROM (sponsored by Abbott Diagnostics) with
the same content as the web site is now in production and will
be ready for distribution in September 2004 (FREE) to institu-
tions without, or with only limited internet access. (Previous
versions of the CD-ROM have proved to be very popular and are
now being used by medical/educational institutions in 149 coun-
tries). The new version contains updates to Prophylaxis and
Treatment sections by Professor Tim Davis.

As a courtesy to other users of this mailbase, please address
all requests for CDs to: mailto:sandy.treadgold@health.wa.gov.au
and NOT to the mailbase or to the signatory below who is retir-

It would be very much appreciated if you could please dissemi-
nate this information to others who may be interested.

For further details please contact the undersigned.

Many Thanks

Graham ICKE
Principal Scientist
Division of Laboratory Medicine
Royal Perth Hospital
Wellington St, Perth
Western Australia 6000
Tel: +61-08-9224-3316
Fax: +61-08-9224-2491
Malaria On-Line Project