[afro-nets] Guttmacher Institute issues reports on unsafe abortion in Kenya and Nigeria

You may be interested in these new reports by the Guttmacher Institute:

Unsafe Abortion in Kenya

Though pregnancy termination is highly restricted in Kenya, induced abortion remains common. Illegal abortion is often unsafe, putting women at risk of death or severe complications. This report summarizes research evidence on abortion in Kenya, points out existing gaps in knowledge and highlights key areas in which new research could help to reduce levels of unsafe abortion. Download the publication here:

Reducing Unsafe Abortion in Nigeria

Abortion is illegal in Nigeria except to save a woman's life. It is also common, and most procedures are performed under unsafe, clandestine conditions. This issue brief highlights the latest scientific evidence on the causes and consequences of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in Nigeria. Compiling for the first time new costing data with levels of unsafe abortion, it outlines key steps that advocates, health care providers and the Nigerian government need to take to address the health, social and economic consequences of unsafe abortion. Download the publication here:

Marcy Bloom