HealthNet (2)
Dear colleagues,
This is not a case between SatelLife and the Health Network Califor-
nia but between the latter organization and the HealthNet community
in Africa. I don't believe that a court in Massachusetts or anywhere
else in America can give a fair judgment on this matter. The issues
involved transcend a fight over a domain name - it is a threat to
'our' lifeline. I add my voice to the SatelLife staff who have con-
demned this action. It is, to say the least, immoral and a negation
of the values that the many American people stand for.
I appeal to friends, colleagues and all right thinking citizens of
the world to help us fight this move. Judgment cannot be passed
against us without getting an opportunity to speak our minds. We care
witnesses - the HMOs have the money but we know the truth. Irrespec-
tive of the outcome of this case, a petition will be necessary.
Let the truth triumph.
Fred Bukachi, MD
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