[afro-nets] Help the World Health Organization revise its evidence-based family planning guidelines!

Dear Colleague,

I am reaching out to you because you may have contributed to WHO’s guidelines on family planning in recent years. As you are aware, the World Health Organization produces rigorous, evidence-based guidance on contraceptive provision. We are currently planning for an update of two important documents, specifically, the Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use and the Selected practice recommendations for contraceptive use. As we prepare for these upcoming updates which will be finalized in 2014, we are soliciting feedback from various stakeholders in the field of family planning to inform our revision process. Our goal is to insure these documents remain relevant to family planning policies, programmes and service delivery. To that end, we have created a survey to aid in the identification of priority outcomes for consideration as well as feedback about the inclusion of new information and user-friendly formats to increase the utility of the resulting documents.

The following link directs to an online survey that should take between 10 to 15 minutes of your time to complete: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WHOMEC2014p

We are looking to gather feedback from individuals who have some familiarity with these documents. Please complete the survey yourself if you feel qualified to respond, and share the link among colleagues within your professional network (s). It is our aim that this revision process is not only rigorous and transparent, but also grounded in the robust input obtained from a global, multidisciplinary group of stakeholders. For those of you with colleagues who are more comfortable in French or Spanish, there are links to the survey in these languages immediately upon clicking through to the above survey.

We know that you are very busy, but we would appreciate your participation in the survey by April 15, 2013. Any questions or comments about the survey can be addressed with Sharon Phillips, MD, MPH via email at phillipss@who.int.

Thank you in advance for your kind collaboration and important feedback!


Sharon Phillips, M.D., M.P.H.
Medical Officer
Department of Reproductive Health and Research World Health Organization,
20 Avenue Appia,
1211 Geneva -27
Tel: +