[afro-nets] High-level forum on Aid Effectiveness - Evaluation of the Paris Declaration

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Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness

Accra, Ghana; 2- 4 September 2008Hosted by the government of Ghana and organised by OECD's Development Co-operation Directorate, with the participation of the OECD Secretary-General , multilateral banks and the United Nations.

Website: http://www.accrahlf.net/

"….In September 2008, ministers from over 100 countries, heads of bilateral and multilateral development agencies, donor organizations, and civil society organizations from around the world will gather in Accra for the Third High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (2-4 September). Their common objective is to help developing countries and marginalized people in their fight against poverty by making aid more transparent, accountable and results-oriented.

The Third High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness (Third HLF) will:
- review progress in improving aid effectiveness
- broaden the dialogue to newer actors
- chart a course for continuing international action on aid effectiveness…"

Synthesis Report on the First Phase of the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Paris Declaration,

Wood, B; Kabell, D; Sagasti, F; Muwanga, N. http://www.diis.dk/sw65053.asp

Ministry of Foreign Aff airs of Denmark. Danish Institute for International Studies.July 2008

            English [56p.] at:



"….The Paris Declaration poses an important challenge both to the world of development cooperation in general and to the field of development evaluation. Compared with previous joint statements on aid harmonisation and alignment, it provides a practical, action-oriented roadmap with specific targets to be met by 2010.

The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the Paris Declaration and its contribution to aid effectiveness …"


I. Introduction
The Context for the Implementation of the Paris Declaration
Synthesis of Evaluation Findings I Ownership

II Alignment

III Harmonisation

IV Managing for Results

V Mutual Accountability

VI Partner Country Assessments of the Paris Declaration as a Tool for Aid Eff ectiveness

VII Are the Required Commitments, Capacities and Incentives in Place?

Broader Conclusions and Issues around the Implementation of the Paris
Declaration as a Whole

Key Lessons and Recommendations

Ruggiero, Mrs. Ana Lucia (WDC)