[afro-nets] Journal of Infection in Developing Countries: call for papers

Journal of Infection in Developing Countries: call for papers

Dear Friends,

          we are finally ready to receive papers to The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries.

JIDC is a new, independent, on-line publication with an international editorial board and <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access&gt;open access.

The Journal is intended to publish original research papers, research notes and reviews covering different aspects of human, animal and environmental Microbiology and infections in developing countries with particular emphasis on emerging and re-emerging etiological agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology and public health.

The aim of the journal is to provide all infectious disease researchers from developing countries with an international forum for publishing their research findings.

The Journal is of interest to medical and clinical microbiologists, virologists, parasitologists, mycologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, pharmacologists, clinicians and public health workers. The Journal publishes original research manuscripts and state-of-the art review articles as; full research articles, short reports, letters to the Editor, public health reports, case studies, meeting reports and book reports.

Criteria for publication.
The journal has a policy of manuscript evaluation, and each manuscript is evaluated by selected referees who are experts in their respective fields. If necessary the editorial board will provide advice on preparing and submitting manuscripts to the Journal, and will act as external expert reviewers. Articles within the remit of the journal will either be accepted or guidance will be given on improving the presentation or the scientific content.

Manuscripts submitted for publication must be written in English.

The Journal welcomes
a. Articles concerning research performed in tropical countries and developing countries
b. Articles done in collaboration with scientists in developing countries
c. Articles regarding main transmissible diseases, in developing countries, carried out by scientists in developed countries.
  In the http://www.oloep.org there is the JIDC Journal project page in which are published the Instructions for authors. The manuscripts according to this instructions, should be submitted by email to: mailto:lectures@oloep.org All submitted manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter. This should explain why the manuscript is suitable for publication in JIDC.

Prof. Salvatore Rubino
Dip. di Scienze Biomediche
V.le San Pietro 43/b
07100 Sassari (Italy)
Tel: +39 79 228302
Fax: +39 79 212345
Cell: +39 33 83865292
Email: mailto:rubino@uniss.it