[afro-nets] New from the Capacity Project: Human Relations: Building Leadership in Southern Sudan's Health Sector

The Capacity Project is pleased to announce a new publication, Human Relations: Building Leadership in Southern Sudan's Health Sector <http://www.capacityproject.org/images/stories/Voices/voices_24.pdf&gt;

Voices from the Capacity Project No. 24. This article presents the personal story of a manager in the Ministry of Health who benefited from the Project's leadership development training and went in to train key managers in the health sector.

To access this article, please visit our website:

For additional Voices and other publications from the Capacity Project, please go to



Jennifer Solomon
Communications Specialist
The Capacity Project
IntraHealth International
6340 Quadrangle Drive, Suite 200
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27517
+1 (919) 313-9187