New INFO Publication - A Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices
The INFO Project at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Programs is pleased to announce the publication of A Tool for Sharing Internal Best Practices. This tool, developed by the INFO Project, includes a step-by-step process, tips, case studies and links to additional resources that explain how an organization can more effectively share its own best practices internally.
This tool reviews what a best practice is, the benefits of sharing best practices, and some obstacles to sharing. It then outlines a process for identifying your organization's best practices, validating and documenting them, and preparing a plan to share them throughout your organization. The tool includes three case studies of organizations who have tried to share best practices internally: the UNDP Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific; the Delivery of Improved Services for Health (DISH) Project in Uganda; and the National Health Services (NHS) Clinical Governance Support Team in the UK.
More information on best practices is available from the Best Practices section of the INFO for Health website at:
Peggy D'Adamo
Deputy Project Director, INFO
111 Market Place, Suite 310, Baltimore, MD 21202
Tel: +1-410-659-6256 / Fax: +1-410-659-6266