[afro-nets] New Publications from MEASURE Evaluation

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MEASURE Evaluation is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) under terms of Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-L-14-00004 and implemented by the Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partnership with Futures Group, ICF International, John Snow, Inc., Management Sciences for Health, and Tulane University. The views expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

MEASURE Evaluation, a USAID-funded project, supports improvements in monitoring and evaluation population, health and nutrition worldwide. Please find announcements of new publications below.

Assessment of an mHealth Initiative to Improve Patient Retention (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/s55dwe)

This report provides findings from a Mozambique pilot using mobile telephones to follow up on patients who have defaulted on their ART or have missed appointments or lab test dates.

A Case Study from Ethiopia: Supportive Supervision in Monitoring and Evaluation with Community-Based Health Staff in HIV Programs (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/8x6dwe)

In Ethiopia, MEASURE Evaluation trained government managers on supportive supervision as part of a project to scale-up the country’s health management information system. This report presents a case study of the project that can serve as an example for other programs wishing to use supportive supervision in monitoring and evaluation.

A Case Study to Measure National HIV M&E System Strengthening: Nigeria (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/oq7dwe)

Quantitative measurement of monitoring and evaluation system strengthening has proven challenging; however, this case study of Nigeria’s efforts to strengthen its M&E systems identified and described several most significant changes.

A Case Study to Measure National HIV Monitoring and Evaluation System Strengthening: Côte d’Ivoire (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/4i8dwe)

This Cote d’Ivoire study uses interviews with stakeholders and key informants and other evidence to verify real change in routine health information system strengthening through indicator and data collection tool harmonization, development of an electronic patient record system, and improvement in data quality through the collection, collation, and reporting data cycle.

The Effect of Women's Property Rights on HIV: A Search for Quantitative Evidence (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/kb9dwe)

Qualitative and anecdotal evidence suggests that property ownership may allow women to mitigate social, economic, and biological effects of HIV for themselves and others through increased food security and income generation. Even so, the relationship between women's property and inheritance rights (WPIR) and HIV transmission behaviors is not well understood. We explored sources of data that could be used to establish quantitative links between WPIR and HIV.

Know Your HIV/AIDS Response: A Pilot Test of a New Service Mapping Tool Kit in Greater Accra, Ghana (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/039dwe)

Knowing an HIV response in a country is a complex undertaking. This effort requires knowing to the level of a district what key implementers in all sectors are working against HIV, what populations they serve, what is the reach of these programs, and what specific types of interventions they are implementing. We pilot tested a set of newly developed data collection tools (referred to as the Know Your HIV Response or KYR) in the Greater Accra region of Ghana at the request of the government of Ghana.

Know Your HIV/AIDS Response: Southern Province, Zambia: An Examination of Program Implementers in the Nongovernment Sector (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/gwaewe)

The Know Your HIV-prevention Response study was a situation analysis of HIV-prevention interventions and was conducted in Southern Province, Zambia, from September to October 2013. The main findings are described for the NGO sector, with particular attention to geographic gaps in the availability of specific interventions.

Know Your HIV-Prevention Response: Southern Province, Zambia. Chart Book on Implementation of HIV-prevention Interventions by Nongovernmental Organizations (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/wobewe)

The purpose of this chart book is to disseminate easily understandable information on gaps in HIV-prevention interventions in the nongovernmental sector in Southern Province, Zambia.

Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts Uganda, 2013-2014 (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/chcewe)

Thirty districts in Uganda participated in Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) activities, carried out from July 2013 through July 2014. PLACE maps specific risk sites and provides indicators of the characteristics and behaviors of key populations that are critical to designing effective prevention programs.

Social Determinants of Health for Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in San Salvador (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/s9cewe)

In this research brief we analyze social determinants of health for MSM and TW in San Salvador by focusing on sex work and homelessness as social conditions that may influence the health of this population.
Spanish (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/81dewe)

Alcohol consumption patterns, illicit drug use, and sexual risk behavior among MSM and transgender women in San Salvador (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/oueewe)

There is scant descriptive information available on the patterns of alcohol consumption and drug use, motivations for substance use, and the potential association of substance use with HIV for MSM and TW in Central American countries. The information presented in this research brief aims to address this gap.
Spanish (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/4mfewe)

Know Your Response: Country-Level HIV-Prevention Response Census and Mapping Tool Kit. Lessons Learned For Practical Application in Developing Country Settings (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/kfgewe)

The objective of this report is to identify, document and disseminate lessons learned from the pilot test of the Know Your Response: HIV Prevention Tool Kit which was pilot tested in Zambia and Ghana in September-October 2013.Â

Know Your HIV-Prevention Response, Southern Province, Zambia: Â HIV-Prevention Policies and Programs in Government Health and Non-Health Sectors (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/07gewe)

Main findings of the Know Your HIV-Prevention Response study are described for the government health and non-health sectors, with particular attention to the policy environment, strategic information, geographic gaps in the availability of HIV-prevention interventions in public health facilities, and HIV-prevention services in the government non-health sector.

Collecting PEPFAR Level 2 Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) Indicators: A Supplement to the Orphans and Vulnerable Children Survey Tool Kit (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/g0hewe)

The purpose of this document is to provide U.S. government staff and others with a high-level understanding of outcomes monitoring and approaches to outcomes monitoring to enable effective procurement of data collection services for these new outcome indicators.

MEASURE Evaluation Orphans and Vulnerable Children Survey Tools: Psychosocial Well-being Measurement Supplement (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/wsiewe)

This document is intended as a resource for investigators aiming to measure the psychosocial well-being of children and their caregivers. It is part of a set of MEASURE Evaluation tools for measuring quantitative child outcomes and caregiver/household outcomes in programs for orphans and vulnerable children.

Mozambique Program Assessment: Community Care for Vulnerable Children in an Integrated Vulnerable Children and Home-Based Care Program (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/cljewe)

In Mozambique, the Community Care Program is a five-year project that seeks to strengthen the response to HIV and AIDS. The program integrated orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) support with home-based care(HBC) service provision. USAID in Mozambique asked MEASURE Evaluation to assess the integrated model to better understand what integration of HBC and OVC services means for OVC beneficiaries.
Portuguese (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/sdkewe)

Moving Data off the Shelf and into Action: An intervention to improve data-informed decision making in Côte d’Ivoire (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/85kewe)

An intervention in Côte d’Ivoire improved the use of data in decision making at the district level. From 2008 to 2012, the district data-use score increased from 40 to 70%; the facility score remained the same – 38%. This study provides an example of, and guidance for, implementing a large-scale intervention to improve data-informed decision making.

Les opportunités pour atteindre les femmes qui ont un besoin non satisfait de planification familiale à Madagascar (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/oylewe)

Tenant compte du fait que un tiers de la demande globale de planification familiale reste non satisfait, il est important d’explorer d’autres opportunités pour atteindre les femmes dont la demande n’est pas satisfaite. Le présent rapport analyse les données de l’étude 2012-2013 des Objectifs Millénaires pour le Développement afin d’identifier de telles opportunités par le biais de la panoplie des services de santé dont ces femmes bénéficient.

Outils d'enquête sur le bien-être de l'enfant, de la personne qui s'occupe de l'enfant et du ménage pour les programmes destinés aux orphelins et enfants vulnérables. Un manuel (https://t.e2ma.net/click/81lwr/kfcngl/4qmewe)

Ces outils de collecte de données sont des questionnaires destinés à une enquête auprès de ménages avec des enfants âgés 0 à 17 ans et les adultes du ménage qui s'occupent des enfants.Â

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill CB 8120 | Chapel Hill, NC 27599 US