[afro-nets] Open Learning Web site on Enteric pathogens

Open Learning Web site on Enteric pathogens

Dear Friends of the Open Learning Web site on Enteric pathogens

A new lecture is available at:

Njinkeng J. Nkemngu, (Cameroon)
Susceptibility patterns of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi to
10 antibiotics in Cameroon.

A short lecture on current levels of susceptibility and cross-
resistances to commonly use and available antibiotics in Camer-
oon to Salmonella with emphasis on emergence of strains with re-
duced susceptibility to ciprofloxacin.

Ciao, Salvatore Rubino

Prof. Salvatore Rubino
Dip. di Scienze Biomediche
V.le San Pietro 43/b
07100 Sassari (Italy)
Tel: +39-079-228302
Fax: +39-079-212345