Centre for Women’s Studies will host the Arab Women, Media, and Sexuality Conference at the University of York on the 26th of May 2012
Deadline: 30 November 2011
All Countries
Centre for Women’s Studies will host the Arab Women, Media, and Sexuality Conference at the University of York on the 26th of May 2012. The Center is inviting scholars, early career researchers, and practitioners to submit 250-300 word abstracts on the following themes for inclusion in the conference...[more<http://www.fundsforngos.org/conferences/centre-womens-studies-university-york-seeks-papers-arab-women-media-sexuality-conference/>\]
*Mechanisms for advancing women’s human rights: A guide to using the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and other international complaint mechanisms
The Australian Human Rights Commission recently posted "Mechanisms for advancing women’s human rights: A guide to using the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and other international complaint mechanisms." The guide provides lawyers, advocates and women experiencing violations of their rights with an introduction and a practical guide on how to use the Optional Protocol to CEDAW and other alternative protective mechanisms at the international level...[more<http://www.fundsforngos.org/guides/mechanisms-advancing-womens-human-rights-guide-optional-protocol-cedaw-international-complaint-mechanisms/>\]