[afro-nets] People´s Health Assembly 2

People´s Health Assembly 2
18-23 July, 2005
Cuenca, Ecuador

Voices from around the world are calling!
Together, let us build a healthy world.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the People's Health As-
sembly 2 which will take place in Cuenca on July 18-23, 2005, we
are pleased to announce the following:

We are working very hard to make the Second Assembly a process
that will encourage all people to participate in the fight for
health for all.

We are working on programming, logistics, and pre-assembly
events. The various themes must be addressed fully without los-
ing sight of their interconnectedness on a global level. At the
same time, we will try to build progressively on the efforts
that have been made at a local level in different places in the

We will not neglect to look at the themes at the heart of our
vision, namely:

- experts will provide objective analyses, using displays and
visual aids as much as possible to provide access to all what-
ever their mother tongue.
- community representatives, health activists, local leaders
will tell the story of the fight for health through stories and
testimonials. They will speak about of the problems surrounding
health issues, how the program came into being, its successes,
lessons learned, and its local and global significance.
- photographic exhibitions, drawings, pictures, crafts, posters,
sessions, rituals, music, drama, documents, books, videos etc.
will also examine the themes.

The themes will form part of the agenda in the plenary sessions
of the PHA 2. They will also be addressed in workshops, forums,
and seminars. Given their importance and depending on the level
of interest, some themes could become topics in their own right
within the framework of the Assembly. Without exception, each
session will be planned with specific objectives in mind to al-
low for follow-up, decision-making, and inclusion in the final
strategic plan. At all times, we will strive to reach consensus
on matters that will have a lasting impact.

We are calling on all organizations and all peoples to unite as
one in this worldwide movement to construct a more viable world,
a world where the health of all is a result of solidarity, lib-
erty, and human development.

Yours in solidarity,

Arturo Quizhpe P
Coordinator, People's Health Assembly 2

Who can participate?

Priority will be given to delegates from organisations and com-
mittees that work in the area of health and health-related prob-
lems at the local, national, regional, and world level.

How can people participate in the preparations for the Assembly?

- Contribute to the various campaigns in support of health and
the wellbeing of all people,

- Organize local, national, and regional meetings in coordina-
tion with facilitators of the Movement in their respective coun-
try or region,

- Participate in the fact-finding process, in the compilation of
testimonials, life stories, case studies, and in the preparation
of debate documents,

- Promote unity, resistance to past practices, and coordination
between the various groups working for the health and wellbeing
of all people,

- Motivate communities and individuals to investigate thoroughly
the basic causes of their own health situation so that a process
of assessment, analysis and action can begin.



Name of the Story / Case Study