[afro-nets] Rebuttal to 'How Vitamins Could Change the World' (2)

Rebuttal to 'How Vitamins Could Change the World' (2)

I find it extremely offensive and alarming that this piece
speaks of all kinds of strategies, but doesn't acknowledge the
general state of malnutrition as a specific and main cause plus
nowhere mentioning the right to food and food security as a
strategy to combat 'micronutrient deficiency'. This tendency to
medicalise this particular issue and present it as a problem
isolated from malnutrition requiring intervention with food
'fortification' and multivitamins should be strongly resisted
though I am by no means against the latter strategies in any
blanket way. I hope the Unicef circle will speak up for the Peo-
ple's Health Movement.

Vandana Prasad