AFRO-NETS> Report on Sexual Violence in South Johannesburg

Report on Sexual Violence in South Johannesburg

Beyond Villains and Victims: the Culture of Sexual Violence in South
Johannesburg, South Africa

CIETinternational has released the findings of a three-year study on
the culture of sexual violence in south Johannesburg, South Africa.
The 100-page report contains the views of men, women and youth and
deals with the role of the police in preventing sexual violence. The
report covers household interviews with 8000 women, 2000 men and
27000 youth. It also includes the results of 63 focus groups, run
separately for men and women, male and female youth. Some 200 service
workers -- police officers, magistrates, prosecutors, health workers
including district surgeons, nurses, women's organisations, social
workers and government officials -- also participated. The Southern
Metropolitan Local Council of Greater Johannesburg requested the
study which was partly funded by the Canadian International Develop-
ment Research Centre.

For more information, consult the CIETinternational website:

To order copies, contact the following address:

CIETafrica Johannesburg:
Tel: +27-11-648-0434
Fax: +27-11-648-4712

East London:
Tel: +27-43-722-0357
Fax: +27-43-722-4718
mobile: +27-82-773-0879

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