Request for Information: Bednet surveys
I am looking for information concerning the coverage of existing 'mos-
quito nets' in sub-Saharan Africa, NOT insecticide treated. Most likely
this will come from base line surveys, performed during the planning
and preparation stage of an ITN intervention. The information can be
provided very briefly in answer to the following questions:
1. Where was the survey performed? (Country / district)
2. Is this area urban, rural or other?
3. When was the survey performed?
4. The percentage of households owning one or more nets? (Please state
whether you counted per household or per person etc. and if you have
any data of how many nets were in each house.)
5. How was it carried out? (a very brief description of the methodology
will do)
6. Is this published or unpublished, if the latter who should be cred-
My reason for asking is to better establish the numbers of mosquito
nets in SSA and the implications for ITN projects and programmes. I
plan to collate the information and share it at the forthcoming MIM
Many thanks
Catherine Reed,
Programme Coordinator
PATH Canada
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 1105
Ottawa, Ontario KlN 7B7, Canada
Tel: +1-613-241-3927 Ext. 328
Fax: +1-613-241-7988
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