AFRO-NETS> RFI: Help (looking for ARV medicines) (4)

RFI: Help (looking for ARV medicines) (4)

Dear All,

Dawn McGuire's suggestion for drawing together a resource group that
can provide accurate, up-to-date and appropriate support to practi-
tioners using ARVs is right on the mark.

SATELLIFE (which hosts this discussion group, and a wide range of in-
formation services around the world), has developed a detailed pro-
posal for the establishment of such a group, which will function at a
global level. This would in-turn be linked to on-the-ground training
(through partner organizations, including IAPAC), and continuous in-
service support using e-mail and other appropriate technological sup-
ports for individual practitioners, clients and families. The pro-
posal was developed in consultation with colleagues at UNAIDS, WHO,
IAS, and HIV/AIDS groups in East and Southern Africa.

We have considered a number of options, from a simple volunteer group
such as Dr. McGuire describes, to a more formal, funded group. With
many years of experience in putting together similar enterprises, we
believe that for consistency and continuity, we should be looking at
something formal and funded - we have described this group as the
Virtual Advisory Board on ART. We believe that any program must be
effective in supporting practitioners using ART, maximize the number
of eligible people receiving therapy, minimize complications, side
effects and non-adherence, and ultimately minimize or prevent the de-
velopment of multiple-drug resistant organisms. For this reason, we
have presented the full proposal for funding, which we expect to hear
about in the next week or so.

Irregardless of the funding decision made next week, we are prepared
to take the lead in establishing and managing the communications nec-
essary to enable the establishment of the advisory group and to col-
laborate with the professionals who would constitute the group, link-
ing them to the community of practitioners.

We would welcome input, support and collaboration with all who are
interested in participating and working with us in this initiative.

Malcolm Bryant

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