[afro-nets] RFI: Integrating Sports in HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs

RFI: Integrating Sports in HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs

Dear Forum,

Greetings. Does anyone in the forum have information on how to
integrate HIV/AIDS prevention programs with sports activities
while targeting both in school and out of school youth or young
people? I will be most grateful for any positive feedback.


Albert Kunihira
Country Director & Peace Ambassador
The Africa Youth Ministries
P.O. Box 20029, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256-71-200009/77-200902/+256-39-200009 (Office)
Fax: +256-41-251060
mailto:admin@aymu.org or

RFI: Integrating Sports in HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs (2)

Yes, I am working with an NGO in Tanzania where we are integrat-
ing sports in HIV/AIDS. We are based in Bukoba. I shall provide
more information about our programmes.

I am not sure if this information is in our web site. Meanwhile
check at http://www.tadepa.net/

Hope we shall keep in touch.

James Balongo

RFI: Integrating Sports in HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs (6)


I hope my reply is not late. I am currently working on a project
involving the prevention of the spread of AIDS. The project is
divided into many sectors, one of which is youth outreach. We
found motivated youth volunteers who are able to mobilise their
peers. And through them we spread our message at all the youth
come-togethers like dance groups, sporting activities etc. We
intend to organise and sponsor sport competitions, so that we
would be able to reach many people at a time.

It is important to note that for a sport like soccer you may
leave out many of the female sex who would not be interested.
The sporting activity you choose should be a key one. Their jer-
seys and flags should have messages on them.

I will try to get hold of more details for you.

Best regards,

Lawrence Mbuagbaw CE, MD
Cell: +237-9913320

RFI: Integrating Sports in HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs (7)


I wanted to add to these postings on sports and HIV/AIDS preven-
tion with information on what we at African Regional Youth Ini-
tiative are implementing in Uganda with respect to this topic.
The program, called "Kicking AIDS Out!", works with sports asso-
ciations, youth groups, secondary schools, and other partners to
carry out HIV/AIDS awareness campaigns through sports activities
targeting young people aged 10-24 years. The program, imple-
mented with Commonwealth Games Association of Canada, provides
training creating sports youth leaders, material assistance, and
other activities.

Training on the program has been tested in Uganda and in Na-
mibia, and is now being implemented in Uganda with the target of
involving youth groups in all districts of the country.

A volunteer from Canada is presently in Uganda for 6 months to
work with the program coordinator and the ARYI-Uganda team to
deliver this program. Kicking AIDS Out! links with other ARYI
programs, including Youth Policy Groups that exist in several
African countries. Next phase will be to duplicate the sports
program in South Africa.

For more information, please contact Jo-Anne Gilbert or Tracy
Asiimwe at mailto:aryi_2002@yahoo.com

Thank you,

Neema Mgana
African Regional Youth Initiative