AFRO-NETS> RFI: Post doc opportunities

RFI: Post doc opportunities

Dear all,

I am a young Zimbabwean student presently finishing a Public Health
PhD granted by a British university. My interests are mainly in pol-
icy implementation and resource optimisation in emerging democracies
but research work in parallel areas always seem to offer similar ex-
posure to one's line of interest if one is willing to adapt to spe-
cific lines. My thesis is in two phases, the first being a "time se-
ries analysis" evaluation of a UK based diagnostic guideline in the
primary care. The second part involves adapting part of the same
guideline for use in two UK regions and using a 2 x 2 factorial de-
sign to evaluate the effect of two methods of guideline dissemina-

I am hoping to pursue and play a major role in policy implementation
in developing countries in the near future. Before this I would like
to acquire the best possible exposure & training from people with ex-
perience in this area. I was thus wondering if someone has any sug-
gestions for post-doc/junior research posts related to this or any
contacts for me in the near future.

Thank you in advance.

Lloyd Matowe
University of Aberdeen
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics
Polwarth Building
Foresterhill Aberdeen, AB25 2ZD, UK
Tel: +44-1224-274-053
Fax: +44-1224-699-884

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