AFRO-NETS> RFI: Short Introductory Course on Clinical Research Methods

RFI: Short Introductory Course on Clinical Research Methods

Dear Colleagues,

Late this spring, we are planning to offer American University of Bei-
rut (AUB) clinicians with an interest in clinical research a short in-
troductory course on clinical research methods. During 24-32 hours of
instruction/lab exercises, we hope to cover basic principles in epide-
miology and biostatistics. This will be aided by computer sessions ana-
lyzing real datasets.

I would be very interested to learn if you have offered or are cur-
rently offering similar courses to clinician-researchers in your insti-
tution. Sharing experiences regarding course content and format would
be of great help to us in designing our own course.

Many thanks in advance,


Samer Jabbour, MD, MPH
Faculty of Health Sciences
American University of Beirut
PO Box 11-0236
Beirut, Lebanon
Tel: +961-1-350-000 x4648 or x4640
Fax: +961-1-744-470

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