Report: Risk and Protection - Youth and HIV/AIDS in Africa
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With many thanks and all best wishes,
Janet Feldman
Risk and Protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa
"Risk and Protection: Youth and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa"
(published in June) examines the factors that put adolescents at
risk for and protect them from HIV/AIDS in 24 Sub-Saharan Afri-
can countries. Supported by The John D. and Catherine T. MacAr-
thur Foundation, this report investigates the broader context of
youth and HIV/AIDS, including knowledge and attitudes about the
disease; sexual and marital behavior; and behaviors related to
the treatment and prevention of sexually transmitted infections
The findings show that young women are more likely to have had
sex before turning 18 than are young men, and young women who
are married have an increased risk of acquiring HIV and other
STIs compared to those who are not in a union. The authors sug-
gest that interventions should focus on young women - particu-
larly those who are married - because these groups have an ele-
vated risk of infection and an especially great need for infor-
mation and services.
To order copies of the report, please contact
Leila Darabi