AFRO-NETS> Seventh Reproductive Health Priorities Conference

Seventh Reproductive Health Priorities Conference
Venue:-Drakensburg South Africa

The 7th Reproductive Health Priorities Conference will be held at the
Champagne Sports Resort, Drakensberg, South Africa from 28 August to 31
August 2001.

The Reproductive Health Priorities Conferences have been a great success
in presenting research in this field from the Southern African region,
in promoting new research in reproductive health and in enabling a close
interaction between researchers and service providers from around South
Africa and the neighbouring countries.

The conference covers all aspects of reproductive health, including:

Family planning and fertility regulation
Contraceptive methods, female and male
Acceptability and KAP studies related to family planning
Condom acceptability, marketing and usage
Infertility -prevention and management
Male sexual & reproductive health
Assisted Reproduction
HIV in reproductive health
STD prevention and management as related to infertility
Prevalence and consequences of unsafe abortion
Termination of pregnancy
Social science research in human reproduction
Evaluation of antenatal care
Maternal health
Systems of antenatal care
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Other related subjects in human reproduction

Guest speakers at this year's conference will include invited
participants from the international agencies, the United States, other
African countries and local experts.

We invite you to attend the conference and to submit papers or posters
for presentation.

Details and downloadable forms are available on the RHRU web site: or from the conference organiser,
Diane Gmur,

James McIntyre

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