[afro-nets] Training in Monitoring and Evaluation for HIV/AIDS Programs

Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
MUHAS - Harvard Public Health Informatics Training Program
Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS Programs.
16th March - 27th March, 2009.


Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) through its MUHAS-Harvard Public Health Informatics Training Program and MUHAS/Harvard/Dar City (MDH) HIV/AIDS Care and Treatment Collaborative Program in collaboration with the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) and Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) is hereby announcing a two weeks short course on Monitoring and Evaluation of HIV/AIDS programmes in Tanzania to be conducted at MUHAS campus in Dar es Salaam from 16th to 27th March, 2009.


To equip key health professionals who are directly involved with national HIV/AIDS programs and projects at various levels of operation with the concepts and practical skills required to design and manage effective monitoring and evaluation plans in their respective programs, be they government or non-government intervention initiatives.

At the end of this two-week training, participants will be able to:
? Understand the principles and procedures of effective monitoring and evaluation of programs.
? Translate the principles of monitoring and evaluation into five key areas of focus in HIV/AIDS Treatment and Care such as
? PMTCT, HIV/TB, VCT, NUTRITION, HOME BASED CARE, HAART and CLINICAL SUPPORT and select indicators for monitoring and evaluation that are relevant and realistic at the provider’s level of operation.
? Improve their team’s ability to gather, manage, interpret and communicate monitoring and evaluation information, strategically and in a standardized manner.
? Understand information systems and the flow of data
? Understand how to implement Monitoring and Evaluation information


The course is open to health professionals who are directly involved with the operation or coordination of HIV/AIDS related programs in Tanzania. However health professionals working in similar areas in other countries are also invited to apply. This training attracts participants from both public as well as private programs across the country. Applicants should be able to demonstrate current responsibilities for developing and employing M&E plans in their respective programs, be proficient in English, and possess some computer analytical skills. Computer literacy is desirable. Special priority will be given to applicants from the district health teams directly involved with HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation programmes, project monitors and leaders and other key health professionals.


The course will cover the following topics:
? Basic concepts HIV/AIDS monitoring and evaluation programmes in Tanzania
? M&E frameworks, indicators and information systems
? Development of M&E plans
? Basic Epidemiological and statistical inferences methods
? Application of the M&E information
? Update and indicators of interest and development of M&E plans for PMTCT, VCT, HIV/TB, HAART, Home Based Care and Treatment, Nutrition and clinical support structures.
? Presentations and sharing of experiences by course participants
? Data interpretation and use of emerging information for health promotion
? Site visits and possible use of the 5 MDH sites as prototypes


The training methodology will involve lectures, group work, and presentations. Participatory methods will be encouraged throughout the course whereby group discussions, role plays and case studies will be used to facilitate participants understanding. Most of the lectures will be followed by the relevant practical sessions.

Applicants are supposed to seek their own means of sponsorship. However, there is a possibility of the program to offer need-based partial or full sponsorship to some of the applicants, also depending on the degree of one?s involvement and attachment to critical public health programs in Tanzania. Applicants stand a better chance of getting sponsorship from the project if they indicate the likelihood of immediate use of the skills they gain from the course.


Certificates will be awarded on satisfactory completion of the course which involves active participation in at least 75% of the course sessions.


The course will be held at the Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences in the designated conference hall of the, Centre for Social Science and Medicine Program of the University of Dar es Salaam. The hall is adjacent to the office of the MUHAS-Harvard Informatics Program

Tuition Fees US$ 670
Course meals
(Tea/coffee-breaks & lunches) US$ 100


Break time refreshments and lunches will be provided. Accommodation will be arranged on behalf of participants if required but they will have to settle the hotel bills on their own. Participants from the Dare es Salaam area will not be required to stay in hotels provided they can reach the venue in a timely manner for sessions.


Participants are expected to support themselves either directly or through sponsorship by their own institutions or funding agencies. Partial or full sponsorship may be provided by the program only for needy applicants who are closely affiliated to MUHAS and its partners.


Travel costs to and from Dar es Salaam and daily transportation to the course venue are not part of the course fees. Applicants should look for additional funds to cover these expenses.


Applications enclosed with CV and relevant copies of academic and professional certificates should be sent to the address below. Online applications are also accepted provided they adequately include relevant attachments.

Course Director,
MUHAS-Harvard Informatics Training Programs
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
MPL Building, Ground Floor,
P. O. Box 65015,
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


The deadline for applications is 28th February, 2009


To obtain additional information on the short courses or other training opportunities under the Informatics Training Program please contact:
Landline: 0732990810: Mobile: 0754 299675
Website: http://www.muhas.ac.tz
E-mail: mailto:informatics@muhas.ac.tz