WHO & UNAIDS announce recommendations from expert consultation on male circumcision for HIV prevention (4)
Dear Colleagues,
You can access more information on male circumcision and HIV prevention from the WHO website at:
You can specifically download the WHO/UNAIDS male circumcision recommendations in pdf format from the following web link:
http://www.who.int/entity/hiv/mediacentre/MCrecommendations_en.pdf (File size: 120kB)
Dr Brian Pazvakavambwa
InterCountry Support Team for Southern and Eastern Africa (IST/SEA/HIV) Block A - Highlands WHO, Corner Glenara & 86 Enterprise Road Highlands P.O. Box BE 773 Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263-4-700026 / 706951 / 700267 / GPN Ext 38175
Fax: +263-4-746127; Mobile: +263-912-279260
E-mail: mailto:pazvakavambwab@zw.afro.who.int