Gender Equality and Development looks at the facts and trends surrounding the various dimensions of gender equality in the context of the development process: although many women around the world continue to struggle with gender-based disadvantages, much has changed for the better and at a more rapid pace than ever before. But that progress needs to be expanded, protected, and deepened. ****
While development has closed some gender gaps—in educational enrollment, life expectancy, and labor force participation—other gaps persist, including excess deaths of girls and women, disparities in girls’ schooling, unequal access to economic opportunities, and differences in voice in households and society. ****
The report argues that gender equality is a core development objective in its own right. It is also smart economics. Greater gender equality can enhance productivity, improve development outcomes for the next generation, and make institutions more representative. For more information about this landmark report, visit
For more data, visit the World Bank Data on Gender site.********
*About This eAtlas*
This World Bank eAtlas of Gender, the latest in a suite of user-friendly, interactive electronic atlases, allows users to map and graph dozens of gender indicators over time and across countries. Watch our short video for a quick overview!****
It allows users to see how a country fares on several dimensions of well-being and empowerment by clicking on an indicator after a keyword search. When the indicator is selected, a world map appears, showing the latest data for more than 200 economies.****
With this eAtlas, you can
* Map more than 80 World Bank indicators worldwide ****
* Compare and view two maps simultaneously****
* Animate maps to show change over time****
* View all data in ranking tables and charts alongside maps****
* Export maps and data for use in presentations and more ****
* Import your own data****
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Use the search box at top right if you know what kind of indicator you want to map, such as “malnutrition.”****
Choose a theme on the right to read brief background about that issue, view the set of related indicators, and select an indicator to begin mapping.****
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Marie-Anne Delahaut