Your vote for the next Global Fund Director
"The communities living with HIV, TB and affected by Malaria delegation is interested in your opinion as to who you think you should be the next Executive Director of the Global Fund and your reason for this. We would also like to know, if you had the opportunity to ask the candidate one question, what would that be?
The Executive Director will be appointed at the upcoming board meeting in Guatemala,( 31st October to 3rd November) and all delegations will be asked to vote for their preferred candidate"
The top 5 candidates are:
(Bio's directly from the Global Fund)
a. *Hilde Johnson* has a strong background in international development and public policy. She has a good understanding of the challenges ahead, sound understanding of the political dimensions of the Global Fund's operations and of the role and importance of building partnerships. She also addressed the importance of team building.
b. *Michel Kazatchkine* has a sound knowledge of the operation of the Global Fund and a clear vision for the Global Fund. He is strongly committed to innovative resource mobilization. His strengths are in knowledge of the diseases and sensitivity to the issues of diversity as well as his background of diplomacy.
c. *James Kolbe* has a strong background in public policy and years of experience in building partnerships with a focus on the needs at country level. He articulates a vision for resource mobilization and has demonstrated strong leadership skills and public advocacy.
d. *Bill Roedy* has a strong background in management and proven experience in building partnerships and mobilizing vast resources. He understands the importance of 'branding' a product as well as relationships with the Board. He is sensitive to the importance of reflecting diversity.
e. *Michel Sidibe* has a sound understanding of the international development issues and knowledge of the three diseases. He has demonstrated management and leadership skills and emphasizes improving Board–Secretariat relations. He envisages more meaningful engagement of countries from the South as well as partnerships with the private sector.
Please send your comments and questions to Shaun Mellors (Communications Focal Point) at (please feel free to send your responses to the list serve as well, with a cc to Shaun). We kindly request that you send your comments and questions in by no later than 20 October 2006"
Shaun Mellors, Communications Focal Point