E-DRUG: 3rd East African Health and Scientific Conference
The 3rd East African Health and Scientific Conference will be held at the KICC, Nairobi from March 25-27, 2009. This is an East African Community event, being hosted by the Ministries of East African Community, Public Health and Sanitation, Medical Services and KEMRI, and the planning of the Conference involves several other institutions and organizations, both public and private. The Conference Theme is: Climate Change, Environment and Health. Please visit the Conference Website: http://www.kemri.org/eachome.html
for more details including Conference Sub-Themes, information on Abstract submission and Registration. Please note that the Deadline for Submission of Abstracts has been extended to January 15, 2009.
We anticipate local, regional and international participation at this Conference.
For further enquiries regarding the Scientific Program or Abstracts Submissions, please contact the Scientific Sub-Committee Secretariat: eachsc-3@kemri.org (via email) or by phone: 254-(0)20-2722541 Ext 3219. Alternatively, you can e-mail Dr. Lubano Kizito, the Secretary, Scientific Sub-Committee: lkizito@kemri.org
We look forward to your support and participation at this Conference
Dr. Jennifer A. Orwa
Principal Research Officer
Kenya Medical Research Institute
Center for Traditional Medicine and Drug Research
P.O. Box 54840-00200 Nairobi, Kenya
Telephone: Office: +254-20-2722541
Mobile: +254-722-700864
Fax: +254-20-2720030
Email: jorwa@kemri.org