E-drug: American research without a requirement for American IRB review (cont)
Scott D. Hillstrom, J.D, a businessman, commercial lawyer, and active
investor and no stranger to free markets recognizes "...the dark
history of oppressing the poor for the benefit of the rich mainly
colonialism and slavery..." in the last four hundred years, but he
oversights the today oppressing reality of poor in the world, not
only in developing countries. It is naive to believe that behind this
exploitation are all individuals living in wealthy, many people
believe that wealth is not only product of corruption and
exploitation of invalid individuals.
It is naive to think that all Europeans are involve in an orchestrated
mission of exploiting poor in developing countries. In the same way
its ingenuous to generalize and implied that "all people" in
developing country is corrupt, unethical and because that "Any
argument that developing countries generally will provide sufficient
safeguards (to trials) is not only wrong but disingenuous". I can not
only oppose that way of thinking but state that many poor places have
lack of wealth or lack of material resources but fight every day with
dignity in moving themselves to a better way of life, in spite of
facts of corruption that are not an effect of poverty but because
individuals with poor and unethical values live in any condition.
To think "that rich countries do a better job of protecting their
people" is not only naive but of limited sight (somebody that lives
watching CNN and HBO) and never have been out in the street in town
or city in the US to say the least. Statements like "The attempt to
eliminate the U.S. based ethical review requirement is an attempt to
avoid the protections that the U.S. provides to American subjects "
are manipulative an overstated, nobody is asking to eliminate ethics
from US or to disprotect American citizens, even when a lot of
Americans and friends fight every day in every front to achieve this.
If we want to protect domestic interest, we do not need to use empty
arguments but to show competitiveness and effectiveness. It seems
that as well as in other globalized industries, developing countries
have to show not only efficiency but to fight with the chauvinism and
national protectionism.
"To use political parlance, it's 'spin'. That may be OK in politics.
But not when the lives of the world's most poor and vulnerable hang
in the balance" says who???.
People working with poor people every day in developing countries do
not need this kind of "help" and support.
Victor Lara MD MPH
Voluntary physician working organizing poor women to get maternal &
child care in periurban slums of Lima - Peru
"Victor Lara" <vlara@inthealth.net>
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