E-drug: Australian Prescriber 97/4
Australian Prescriber Vol. 20 No. 4 1997 (fourth quarter 1997) is now
available (as hard copy).
A list of the contents of this issue is as follows:
Outcomes of the Australian Osteoporosis Consensus Conference
(editorial) - R.L. Prince .
Letters .
Yours questions to the PBAC
Hospital in the home -
M. Montalto .Medicinal mishaps .
Hospital in the home units: a comment - H. Creasey .
Top 10 drugs .
Meta-analysis, collaborative overview, systematic review:
what does it all mean? - M.Clarke and D. Ghersi .
Abnormal laboratory results: Testing for Helicobacter pylori - J. Lambert and
D. Badov .
Melatonin - what's all the fuss about? .
The management of croup - G. Geelhoed .
New drugs
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The full text of recent issues of Australian Prescriber is now
available on the Internet. The Australian Prescriber home page can be
found at: http://www.medfac.unimelb.edu.au/ap/
Many thanks
Dr John Dowden
Editor - Australian Prescriber
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.