E-DRUG: Contents of Prescrire International, February 2008 Volume 17 N° 93
Prescrire International is the English language edition of the reference French journal la revue Prescrire. It contains comparative evaluation of new drug interventions, reviews of adverse effects, and papers on drug policy issues.
Prescrire International is totally funded by subscribers, with no support from pharmaceutical industry or government. It is published six times a year and health professionals in low income countries can also benefit from the journal thanks to Solidarity Subscription Rates. Drug companies are excluded from applying to Solidarity Rates.
Contents of Prescrire International,
February 2008 Volume 17 N° 93
. Experts and conflicts of interest
EMEA should not call on 'conflicted' experts
New Products
. Ranibizumab (macular degeneration)
Second-line use due to risks
. Erlotinib (metastatic cancer of the pancreas)
Palliative care is still the best option
. Natalizumab (multiple sclerosis)
Risky market approval
. Ibandronic acid IV (osteoporosis)
Unconvincing evidence
. Ibandronic acid tablets (osteoporosis)
1 tablet a month but risk of a flu-like syndrome
. Sitagliptin (type 2 diabetes)
Limited efficacy, too many unknown risks
. Methotrexate (idiopathic juvenile artritis)
The standard immunosuppressant
. Common stems - INNs
-gliptin and -tinib
. Telbivudine (chronic hepatitis B)
Similar to lamivudine
. Mitoxantrone - Cetuximab
Adverse effects
. Hepatitis B vaccines (continued)
. Haemorrhage due to Ginkgo biloba
. Fluoroquinolones: psychiatric adverse effects
. Inhaled and nasal steroids: mental disorders
. Liver damage with the amoxicillin-clavulanate combination
. Cholinesterase inhibitors: numerous and serious interactions
. Nimesulide and hepatitis
. Omalizumab: anaphylactic shock
. Antidepressants: suicide among young adults
. Varenicline: myocardial infarction
. Efalizumab: inflammatory neuropathies
. Glitazones: fractures
. Mammographic screening for breast cancer
Few new data
- Prescrire's advice : Mammographic screening: towards an informed choice for women
. Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Limited effectiveness of treatments
- Prescrire's advice : Drug therapy for seasonal allergic rhinitis
. Oral mucositis due to cancer treatments
Orodental hygiene and ice cubes
- Prescrire's advice : Oral mucositis and cancer therapy
. Lymphatic filariasis
. Breast cancer screening : honest information please
Medicines in Europe
. Application of the European regulation on paediatric drugs : remain vigilant !
. Compliance programmes : not to be confused with risk management plans