E-DRUG: Drug Prices in Pakistan

E-DRUG: Drug Prices in Pakistan (cont)

I would add to Foppe van Mil's list of questions some of my own:

1) What percent of the drugs that Lilly sells in Pakistan is on the
essential drug list?

2) How do the prices for drugs on the essential drug list compare to those
that are not on the list?

3) Does Lilly have its own internal marketing code or does it rely on the
ineffective code from the IFPMA?

4) How do the listed indications and safety warnings for the drugs that
Lilly markets in Pakistan compare to the indications and safety warnings in
countries like the U.S. or Canada?

Joel Lexchin

Joel Lexchin MD
121 Walmer Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
Phone: (416)-964-7186
Fax: (416)-923-9515
e mail: joel.lexchin@utoronto.ca

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