[e-drug] End of the year 'Kaletra' Campaign update

E-DRUG: End of the year 'Kaletra' Campaign update
[Lopinavir/ritonavir is commercially known as Kaletra (Abbott Laboratories)]

Hello all -

As you're aware, last month treatment advocates in a dozen countries launched a campaign to expand access to the vital HIV medicines ritonavir and lopinavir / ritonavir. You can continue to find updates on the progress of the campaign as well as background information and technical documents at: http://www.citizen.org/Kaletra-campaign.

- Brazil -
Last week, the Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) announced that they will prioritize the examination of the patent application related to heat-stable versions of ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir (patent application PI0413882-1). The Working Group on International Property (GTPI) filed a pre-grant patent opposition to contest the validity of PI0413882-1 last month, and this recent decision will expedite the Brazilian government's determination of whether to accept the patent, or reject it.

For more info, see GTPI's post: http://www.deolhonaspatentes.org.br/default.asp?site_Acao=mostraPagina&paginaId=891&acao=blog&blogId=346.

- Malaysia -
The Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC) is throwing its support on the Global Action on Kaletra, a coalition of non-government organisations (NGOs) across the developing world that work together as a single voice in urging Abbott Laboratories to free up patent restrictions on the components of HIV medicine commercially known as Kaletra (Lopinavir/ritonavir)." - Tan Sri Mohammad Zaman Khan, President of the Malaysian AIDS Council

We have posted the Malaysian AIDS Council's (MAC) license request letter to Abbott Laboratories on our website here: http://www.citizen.org/actions-malaysia.

- Vietnam -
The Vietnam Network of People Living with HIV (VNP+) has received a (non)response letter from Abbott Laboratories to their request for a voluntary license. We have posted the letter here: http://www.citizen.org/actions-vietnam.

We will continue to update our website and keep you informed with further campaign developments.

For more information, contact medsaccess@citizen.org.

Steven Knievel
Global Access to Medicines Program
Public Citizen | Protecting Health, Safety and Democracy
TEL: +1 202-588-7771
1600 20th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
URL: http://www.citizen.org/access
Steven Knievel <sknievel@citizen.org>