E-DRUG: Free WHO Medicines Bookshelf CD-ROM
[Excellent compilation for E-druggers with small bandwidth Internet connections! For those with broadband: all of these files are downloadable from www.who.int/medicines
Dear E-druggers,
We are pleased to announce the latest version of the WHO Medi-
cines Bookshelf CD-ROM, containing over 350 medicines-related
publications, in English, French and Spanish, taken primarily
from materials published by the World Health Organization's De-
partment of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy (EDM). The
Bookshelf covers:
* access to essential medicines
* rational use of medicines
* national drug policy
* quality and safety issues
* traditional medicine.
Core publications from other sources are also included on the
CD-ROM, with the kind permission of the organizations concerned.
For those in areas where Internet access is particularly slow or
is unavailable, we have designed the Bookshelf to serve as a
self-contained medicines information resource. The Library in-
cludes the WHO Model Formulary, and the Library interface serves
as a seamless gateway to a wide range of useful web sites, such
as WHO clinical guidelines and United Nations price information
resources, among many others.
The Bookshelf is available free of charge. For a copy, or ques-
tions about multiple copies and distribution, please write to:
EDM Documentation Centre
Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy
Health Technology and Pharmaceuticals
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20
CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Fax: +41-22-791-4730