[e-drug] Generic substitution (cont'd)

E-drug: Generic substitution (cont'd)

The comments of the Colombian MOH and Quality Control Agency on
"generic substitution" are very interesting. Is it my understanding that
The MOH in Colombia will not recommend generic interchangeability
sticking with costly brand name drugs, because there is "two or three
alternative of one brand drug?" What about the less costly one? Is it
not worth saving money for the Colombia health care system by
selecting less costly and equally effective generic drugs? Moreover,
why interchangeability is prohibited in some drugs with narrow
therapeutic window? Is it not the responsibly of the Colombian agency
to take responsibility to ensure that generic drugs with good quality,
whether they are imported or produce locally, are available for the
public. It is easy for an agency such as the Colombian one not to take
the appropriate steps to establish an effective system that offer less
costly medications and implement "no interchangeability" policy .
However, developing countries, Colombia is included, are desperately
in need for every single dollars of its health care expenditure.

Sana R. Sukkari
Oncology/Palliative Care Pharmacist
Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital
Burlington ON
e-mail: ssukkari@jbmh.com

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