E-drug: Hydroquinone (cont)
Dear Kenneth,
We quite recently distributed copies of a video of a programme shown some
time ago on British television. This showed the clinical consequences of
using hydroquinone creams for lightening the skin, and also uncovered how
this trade operated between Europe and other regions.
The video was subsequently used, we heard, to support the deregulation of
the creams and for teaching purposes in several schools of pharmacy and
public health.
Philippa Saunders
Philippa Saunders & Gill Stoker
Essential Drugs Project
77 Lee Road
London SE3 9EN
tel/fax 44 (0)181 318 1419
email edp@gn.apc.org
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.