E-DRUG: Medical Product Quality Report COVID-19 Vaccine Issues March update
Dear colleagues,
We are writing to share the March 2021 update of the Medical Product
Quality Report - COVID-19 Vaccine Issues. With the continued global
vaccine rollout, we have worked on a report that lists incidents and
problems, accessible in the public domain, with COVID-19 vaccines quality,
diversions, thefts, and scams.
We are concerned with the growing incidents of diverted, substandard and
falsified COVID-19 vaccines globally. By the end of 2020 we shared 22
reports for 9 countries, by the beginning of March there were 76 reports
affecting 28 different countries.
Unauthorised copies of approved COVID-19 vaccines were reported for Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Sinopharm, and Moderna. We urgently need joined-up interventions to reduce the risk of SF COVID-19 vaccines on global public health, through significant enhancement in global capacity for their prevention, detection, and response.
The VACCINE report can be downloaded from the following link:
The March report is a cumulative report with data up to the 5th of March.
Newly added reports since the last issue (up to 10th of February) are
indicated in red.
Any remarks or additions to content are greatly appreciated
(please write to medicinequality@iddo.org).
We would be delighted if you could disseminate this information within your network.
Very best wishes,
Kerlijn Van Assche, Celine Caillet, Paul N Newton
Medicine Quality Research Group, Infectious Diseases Data Observatory
(IDDO) & Mahidol Oxford Research Unit (MORU), Centre for Tropical Medicine
& Global Health, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Kerlijn Van Assche <kerlijn.vanassche@iddo.org>