E-drug: Medicilisation - A way of life (cont'd)
Good point. However, it's a wild world! No wonder why 1 out of 4
persons will suffer from a mental health problem.
In Lebanon the situation is worse. There are around 6500 registered
drugs, and more than US$ 350 million is spent on medications
(population is 3.5 million). Recently the manufacturer of a Hepatitis
A vaccine has started promotional activities. Keep in mind that the
overall governmental debt ammounts to 24 billion dollars.
When I ask residents if it is cost effective to recommend Hepatitis B
vaccination for all children in a country with 1.8% prevelance of
HBsAg, many wonder if this is a legitimate question.
Basim Saab
e-mail: brsaab@aub.edu.lb
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