[e-drug] NGOs respond to Abbott $1000 Price for Aluvia (lop/r)

E-DRUG: NGOs respond to Abbott $1000 Price for Aluvia (lop/r)

NGO Response to Abbott's announced $1000 price for Aluvia [lopinavir/ritonavir] in Low- and Lower-Middle Income Countries
April 10, 2007

Health GAP, Student Global AIDS Campaign, American Medical Student
Association, and Essential Action applaud that Thailand's compulsory
license, generic competition, WHO intervention, and activist pressure have
forced Abbott to offer a further 55% reduction in its tiered price for low-
and lower-middle income countries. However, as clarified further below,
the price discounts still do not go deep enough or wide enough, and Abbott
has still withdrawn Aluvia and six other medicines from the Thai
registration process in retaliation for Thailand's lawful exercise of its
right to issue compulsory licenses for priority medicines for government,
non-commercial use.

      Abbott's new price announcement confirms the importance of generic
      competition and the necessity of using compulsory licenses to curb
      abuses of monopoly power by pharmaceutical companies. Abbott's
      price-discount announcement is mostly due to: (1) Cipla's recent
      announcement (April 1, 2007) to undercut Abbott's price and offer
      Aluvia at $1560/pppy, (2) Thailand's decision to issue a compulsory
      license in response to the unaffordable price charged by Abbott in
      Thailand other low- and lower-middle-income countries of $2200/pppy,
      and (3) increased civil society and political pressure exerted upon
      the company in the last four weeks following its decision to
      de-register seven medicines from the Thai market.
      Abbott has not yet agreed to reverse its illegal and unethical
      withdrawal of seven registration applications from the Thai drug
      regulatory process, including the application for Aluvia, the
      heat-stable form of Kaletra [lopinavir/ritonavir] that is most appropriate for use in a
      tropical country like Thailand. Abbott may have violated Thailand's
      competition law by withdrawing these products; it has certainly
      violated patients' human right of access to essential life-saving

      Although this price is lower than what has been currently offered by
      generic manufacturers, it is still twice the access price of the
      medicine(s) in least-developed and African countries ($500/pppy), and
      will exert a heavy financial burden upon low-income and lower-middle
      income countries seeking to achieve universal access and treatment.
      Abbott should provide Kaletra/Aluvia at one, no-profit price to all
      developing countries.

      Although Abbott's price is temporarily lower than the price offered
      by generic manufacturers, it is highly likely that generic prices
      will drop below $1000/pppy as an increasing number of patients
      require 2nd line anti-retrovirals, as generic producers reach
      economies-of-scale, and as generic versions of Aluvia are WHO
      pre-qualified and are thus purchasable with Global Fund money.
      Abbott's price discount to Thailand, like its prior discount to
      Brazil, is primarily designed to reduce market demand that might
      incentivize efficient generic production.

      Abbott must not be permitted to blackmail Thailand into withdrawing
      any compulsory licenses in exchange for a promise to renew its
      registration application for Aluvia. Thailand's decision to issue
      compulsory licenses was fully consistent with World Trade
      Organization intellectual property rules and obligations and with
      Thai law. Likewise, the Ministry of Health should not be forced to
      withdraw its compulsory licenses for efavirenz or Plavix.

      Even if Abbott is offering a lower price for Kaletra/Aluvia, it does
      not necessarily mean that Thailand should withdraw, or not execute,
      its government use license. There are strong reasons that Thailand
      may wish to keep its compulsory license to ensure alternative sources
      of supply, to develop and support domestic and/or regional
      pharmaceutical capacity, to incentivize generic competition, and to
      subsequently procure lower-priced generic versions that are
      WHO-prequalified and registered in Thailand.

      Thailand should only purchase Kaletra/Aluvia from Abbott to ensure
      no-stock outs and reliable access across the country, and should not
      enter into any long-term, binding contract that would make Abbott the
      country's sole supplier for multiple years and preclude future
      use/access of generic versions. A prior decision by the Brazilian
      government to enter into a long-term contract with Abbott for
      Kaletra/Aluvia has exerted a severe financial burden upon the
      National AIDS treatment program, and the Brazilian government now
      pays a price of $1596/pppy that is 60% higher than Abbott's new $1000

      The World Health Organization should be staunchly defending and
      supporting Thailand's decision to issue a compulsory license, and
      should be providing technical support and assistance to the Thai and
      other governments to enforce and implement compulsory licenses.
      Any price negotiations conducted by the WHO should be done alongside
      and through national governments, and not done secretly with
      pharmaceutical companies. Any price negotiations or transactions
      with the pharmaceutical industry should be open, transparent and
      inclusive to avoid any appearance of impropriety or undue influence
      of the pharmaceutical industry upon the UN body.

Sponsors of this statement are seeking additional sign-ons. Contact Brook
Baker: b.baker@neu.edu 617-373-3217