E-DRUG: patient copayments in Canada and Italy

E-drug: patient copayments in Canada and Italy

Dear Canadian and Italian E druggers,

Can any of you tell me what's happening around patient copayments
for prescribed drugs either in Canada as a whole or in individual
provinces at the moment? I understand that some form of
copayment has been either recently introduced or increased to a
significant degree. Can someone explain to me what's going on,
and how it has been received by patients/doctors? Has it had any
effect either on the drug bill or on the quality of patient care?

The same questions apply to Italian E druggers - I know about the
A B C classification for drug reimbursement - are there any
exclusions and what has happened in Italy since it was
introduced? =

Thank you,

Tom Walley, =

Liverpool UK
Email: T.Walley@liverpool.ac.uk =

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