E-drug: Petition EU Directive/la revue Prescrire
Dear Colleague
A proposed Directive and Regulation on medicines will be submitted shortly
for adoption by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe. A
thorough review of these proposals can be found in European Medicines
Policy/Prescrire International, available on request.
If the proposals are adopted as they stand, they will lead to a number of
extremely worrying changes throughout the Europe Community:
- evaluation of marketing applications would be accelerated (not only for
patients urgently needing new treatments), and authorisation would be
granted once and for all, abandoning the current system of regular
- EMEA would maintain excessive secrecy in pharmacovigilance, hindering
rational management of drug-related problems;
- introduction of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs on
the one hand, and lack of freedom of information on key scientific data on
the other, would increase irrational use of drugs.
Common sense dictates that the European medicines agency should be linked
to the EU Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General of the
European Commission, rather than the Enterprise Directorate as at present.
Also, being funded mainly by fees paid directly by drug companies, the
agency has a serious competing interest.
Faced with a deliberate policy to serve industry first, health
professionals and patients must act before it is too late. La revue
Prescrire has launched a petition campaign calling Members of European
Parliament and the President of the EU Parliament to oppose the
Commission's proposed revision.
The petition kit is available on request or on Health Action International
website (www.haiweb.org). Please photocopy it and distribute it as widely
as possible.
Should you want to get European Medicines Policy/Prescrire International
and our petition kit as PDF documents, feel free to ask me.
Christophe Kopp
Staff editor
La revue Prescrire
Member of Medicines in Europe Forum
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