E-drug: PhD course Health Services Research
On behalf of a Danish colleague and professor of pharmacy, I would
like to announce the following course:
PhD course
Methodological Perspectives in Health Services Research
This course addresses PhD students and other professionals interested
in improving their ability to design, conduct and evaluate research
with special reference to health services and the use of medicines.
Topics include:
The concept of health services research
The research process
Survey methods
Methods in pharmacopeidemiology
Documentary methods
Outcome measures
Qualitative research
Experiments and evaluation
Research ethics
Dissemination and communication of research results
Participants' projects are integrated in the teaching
Place: Dansk Folkeferies Center, Gilleleje, Denmark
Organisers: Professor Ebba Holme Hansen and associate professor Janine
M. Morgall, Department of Social Pharmacy, The Royal Danish School of
Pharmacy, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone +45 35 37 08 50
Fax +45 35 37 26 21
E-mail: EHH@mail.dfh.dk or JAM@mail.dfh.dk
Dealine for application: August 31, 1998
Organisers may be able to advise on the possibility of scholarships
and will of course give further information.
Personal comments:
The Royal Danish School of Pharmacy in Denmark is quite international,
having PhD students from Nepal and Zimbabwe. The number of research
projects and activities in the area of social pharmacy is impressive.
Their annual report gives more details on the school's activities and
a list of publications. Please contact the people above for info.
Regards Kirsten
Ms Kirsten Myhr, MScPharm, MPH
Bygdoy alle 58B
0265 Oslo
Tel: +47 22 56 05 85 (h)
Fax: +47 22 24 90 17 (w) Tel: +47 22 24 88 55 (w)
E-mail: myhr@online.no
[Mmm, a PhD in 7 days... I would go for that... WB]
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