[e-drug] portuguese essential drug site

E-DRUG: portuguese essential drug site

Lusophone e-druggers or others interested in Brazil's drug policy should
have a look at:

A good collection of portuguese essential drug material!


Wilbert Bannenberg, E-drug moderator
Email: wjb@planet.nl
Mobile +31-6-20873123
Tel +31-497-550713
Fax +31-497-550712

E-drug subscriptions/archives at http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug/

To send a message to E-Drug, write to: e-drug@healthnet.org
To subscribe or unsubscribe, write to: majordomo@healthnet.org
in the body of the message type: subscribe e-drug OR unsubscribe e-drug
To contact a person, send a message to: e-drug-help@healthnet.org
Information and archives: http://www.essentialdrugs.org/edrug