Sender: owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org
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E-drug: Re: WHO prequalification withdrawals and bio-tests
[Thanks Murtaday, I did not have time to elaborate. I agree with you.
KM comments, correctly, that "Not all regulatory authorities require
bioequivalence for all generic products, only for certain products with
small therapeutic window", but Fransisco also asks "So, Bioequivalence
is not a quality test?". As connecting the two issues could possibly be
also confusing and misinterpreted, I thought I could add what is
hopefully not anymore confusing, by responding to Fransico's question
through my opinion that "to the extent that bioequivalence is a
determinant of whether or not a product, when used correctly, performs
according to predetermined standards, to the same extent, it is clearly
a quality problem"
Murtada M. Sesay
Technical Officer (Pharmaceuticals)
UNICEF Supply Division
UNICEF Plads, Freeport
Telephone: +45 3527 3098
Facsimile: +45 3526 9421
E-mail: msesay@unicef.org
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