E-DRUG: Summer course announcement

E-drug: Summer course announcement


WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacotherapy Teaching and Training
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medical Sciences,
University of Groningen

In collaboration with the World Health Organization Action Programme
on Essential Drugs and the WHO Regional Office for Europe

19-28 July 1999

   * Sixth International Training Course in Teaching Rational
   * Second Central & Eastern European Training Course in Teaching
     Rational Pharmacotherapy


Drugs do have a role to play in better health: the right drugs, at the
right time, at the right place, to the right people. There is innumerable
evidence that irrational drug choice and prescriptions occur both in the
industrialized and the industrializing countries. As a consequence,
treatments may be not effective, and may cause unnecessary side
effects, as well as discomfort to patients, exacerbation or prolongation
of illness, admissions to hospital, a longer stay in hospital, and a rise
in the cost of health care.

Undergraduate teaching in therapeutics is still a neglected topic in
most medical faculties. As a consequence, medical education in
pharmacology and clinical pharmacology has continued to aim
primarily at transfer of knowledge to students, which they are
expected to reproduce during examinations; and skills are poorly
taught. Hence, medical students and new graduated doctors
encounter difficulties in applying theoretical knowledge to professional
skills for choosing and prescribing drugs rationally (rational is defined
operationally as effective, safe, convenient and economic). As a
consequence, less than optimal drug choice and prescribing occur.

To response the need to teach the skills needed for rational drug
choice and prescription during undergraduate education a normative
model was developed at the University of Groningen, Faculty of
Medicine, Department of Clinical Pharmacology. The Groningen Model
combines medical problem solving with practical medical skills,
pharmacological facts and principles. It introduces a logical,
step-by-step approach to a patient problem: identifying the problem,
setting therapeutic objectives, choosing an appropriate (pharmaco-)
therapy, starting the treatment, monitoring the therapy and drawing
conclusions for evaluating, stopping and/or altering the therapy.

It also put emphasis on motor skills such as correct prescribing, and
good physician-patient communication. The method puts the students
(or physicians) into an active role; and in a controlled environment
they are confronted with patient cases that resemble those cases and
occasions that might be confronted in future professional practice.

The Summer Course emerged from the will of disseminating this
teaching method globally. Especially people who are at teaching posts
at their respective universities are targeted; since they train the
physicians of the future. Adequate transfer of know-how might
therefore be reflected to masses of undergraduate medical students.


The Summer Course aims to equip the participants with the adequate
skills and knowledge on problem-based rational drug therapy by the
end of the course, which will provide them adequate means to
implement a problem-based pharmacotherapy training scheme at their
local school or institution.

End Course Objectives
At the end of the Course, all participants are expected to have:
- gained adequate knowledge on the application of problem-based
approach in therapeutics;
- actively experienced the application of the Groningen Model; as a
student and as a teacher;
- gained necessary knowledge and skills on planning, developing and
implementing a problem-based pharmacotherapy course at their own
school or institution;
- gained necessary knowledge on planning, developing and
implementing student assessment;
- developed a plan of action for implementation of a pharmacotherapy
teaching course at their own institution, and identified their needs.

Follow Up Term Activities
As the follow-up of the Summer Course, the international network for
development of teaching pharmacotherapy (INDEPTH) will extend its
technical and tactical assistance to the participants who develop a
plan of action for implementing the problem-based pharmacotherapy
teaching at their own schools or institutions. In this framework, the
network will:
- follow up the plans of action of the course participants, assist and
monitor local course developments;
- assist and monitor local development of education material and
- provide technical and tactical assistance in implementing a
problem-based pharmacotherapy training course as a part of the local
medical curriculum,
- conduct long term assessment surveys on outcomes of such
education, to monitor teaching quality and fulfillment of objectives


Learning Groningen Method Of Rational Pharmacotherapy
Learning P-Drugs Concept
Learning Patient Drugs Concept
Learning Practical Aspects of Prescribing
Learning Monitoring Pharmacotherapy

Problem-Based Teaching Of Rational Pharmacotherapy
Teaching P-Drugs Concept
Teaching Patient Drugs Concept
Teaching Practical Aspects of Prescribing
Teaching Monitoring Pharmacotherapy

Assessment Of Pharmacotherapy Teaching
Essential Concepts of Student Assessment
Objective Structured Methods of Student Assessment
Developing Assessment Material
Validating Student Assessment Tools
Implementing and Monitoring Student Assessment Techniques

Building A Local Pharmacotherapy Course
Planning an Intervention
Development of Course Material
Validation of Teaching Methods and Material
Implementation of the Program
Local Capacity Building
Assessment of Program: Intervention Research
Future International Collaboration


Course Dates
The course date are from Monday 19 to Wednesday 28 July 1999.

Course Location
The Course will take place in Groningen, the Netherlands. The course
sessions will be held at the "Onderwijscentrum", the education centre
of the Faculty of Medicine and the Academic Hospital of Groningen.

Working language during the course will be English. Fluency in English
is therefore a prerequisite for application.

Board & Lodging
The standard lodging during the course is at the guest house of the
Academic Hospital of Groningen in a double room. All rooms have
private toilets and showers. Single room lodging can be supplied at a
selected three-star hotel for which the secretariat will make the

Course Fee
The standard course fee is 6,000 Dutch Guilders with lodging at a
double room. If you prefer a single room at a three star hotel, the
course fee will be 7,650 Dutch Guilders.


Application Procedure
Please contact the summer course secretariat for an application form.
An electronic version of the application form is also available on the
Internet at the following website:

Application Deadline
The application deadline is 1 June 1999 (deadline of receipt). The
Course Secretariat might refuse to consider the late applications.

Course Payments
The applications will be confirmed by the Course Secretariat, and the
applicant will be requested to pay the course fee before 01 June
1999. Payments should be made through a bank transfer or a cheque,
payable in Dutch Guilders, without any costs on the University of
Groningen. All the payments should be made through the Summer
Course account provided below and should include a reference to
"Participation Fee Summer Course 1999-92".

Summer Course Account
University of Groningen
Reference: Summer Course 1999
ABN-Amro Bank Groningen
The Netherlands
Account Nr.:

Summer Course Secretariat
Mr. Wessel Sloof
University of Groningen
Faculty of Medical Sciences
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Antonius Deusinglaan 1
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31 50 363 2810/2808
Facsimile: +31 50 363 2812
E-mail: summer.course.pharmaco@med.rug.nl
Internet: www.indepth.org/courses
Send mail for the `E-Drug' conference to `e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.
Mail administrative requests to `majordomo@usa.healthnet.org'.
For additional assistance, send mail to: `owner-e-drug@usa.healthnet.org'.