E-Drug: Patent status for essential medicines in LMICs
Dear colleagues,
In May the Medicines Patent Pool published a press release announcing a new version of MPP’s Medicines Patents and Licences Database MedsPaL (https://www.medspal.org/), which provides information on the patent and licensing status of essential medicines (and some other technologies) primarily in LMICs. Explore the latest features such as saved searches, email notifications, and enhanced mobile compatibility. The database is free to use.
The press release can be accessed below or on the MPP website (https://medicinespatentpool.org/news-publications-post/the-medicines-patent-pool-unveils-new-version-of-medspal-for-streamlined-access-to-global-health-intellectual-property-information).
We welcome any comments/suggestions to continue to improve it.
Best regards,
Esteban BURRONE Director of Strategy, Policy and Market Access |
+41 79 825 4777 |
Rue de Varembé 7, fifth floor |