[afro-nets] 2nd Annual International Photoshare Photo Contest

2nd Annual International Photoshare Photo Contest
Don't miss your opportunity to participate.

Sponsored by The INFO Project and Nikon.

Do you have photos of programs in action and the people you
serve? Pictures illustrating the realities of urban and rural
life in developing countries? Snapshots from your personal trav-
els, volunteer service, or work experience? You may have an
award-winning photo!

Participants may submit one photo per category:

- Family Planning and Reproductive Health
- HIV/AIDS Education, Treatment, and Prevention
- Environment
- Agricultural and Economic Development
- Democracy and Governance
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Open Category - Global Health
- Open Category - Human Interest


1st Place/Best of Show:
$300 USD

2nd Place:
$150 USD

3rd Place:
$75 USD

Photoshare Contributor of the Year:
Nikon 3.2 Megapixel CoolPix 3700 Digital Camera with a 3X Zoom
Lens, USB Interface, Audio/Video Output, Rechargeable Li-ion
Battery, Nikon View Software, and 16MB SD memory card.

Photoshare Image of the Year:
Matted and framed photo.

All category winners will receive a certificate. Winning photos
and photographers will be featured at the INFO booth at the
American Public Health Association (APHA) conference in Washing-
ton D.C., November 2004. Entries and winners will also be fea-
tured on the Photoshare and INFO websites, e-list, and promo-
tional materials.

1. Fax (+1-410-659-6280) or mail the ENTRY FORM
(http://www.infoforhealth.org/photosharecontest04.shtml) to:

David Alexander, Photoshare
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

2. Submit your photos through the mail, email, FTP, or on CD-
ROM. See the ENTRY FORM for more information and further in-
structions on how to submit your entries.

* All entries must be submitted by October 1, 2004. Any individ-
ual (amateur and professional) or organization is welcome to
participate. ~ A completed entry form, including captions, must
accompany entries.

* Original color or black & white prints, slides, negatives, and
digital images are acceptable. At a minimum, digital images must
be approximately 1280x960 pixels. Photos below the minimum reso-
lution, photos without captions, and photos previously contrib-
uted to Photoshare are not eligible.

* Originals will be returned upon request at Photoshare's ex-
pense through UPS or DHL when a street address is provided (no
P.O. boxes). Photoshare is not responsible for the loss or dam-
age or photographs. However, in the event that photos are lost
or damaged on return, Photoshare will resend digital copies,
when available.

* Photos will be judged on the basis of content (relevance to
category) and quality (e.g. lighting, composition, focus).

* Winners will be notified by phone or email.

* Entries that violate copyright or the right of privacy of any
person or entity are not acceptable.

* All contest entries are subject to inclusion in Photoshare, a
digital photo collection and service of The INFO Project helping
international non-profits communicate health and development is-
sues through photography.


David Alexander or Lavina Velasco
Photoshare - A Service of The INFO Project
111 Market Place, Suite 310
Baltimore, MD 21202 USA
Tel: +1-410-659-6280
Fax: +1-410-659-6266


Photoshare is a service of The INFO Project helping non-profit
organizations communicate global health and development issues
through photography. By facilitating photo sharing among col-
leagues in international development, Photoshare has become a
leading source for editorial development photography. The Photo-
share collection, consisting primarily of photos taken by public
health professionals in the field, contains more than 7,000 im-
ages illustrating the realities of urban and rural life in de-
veloping countries, as well as global efforts to improve and
save lives. Our popular on-line photo database, available at
www.photoshare.org through the Johns Hopkins University
Bloomberg School of Public Health/Center for Communication Pro-
grams, serves many major government institutions and interna-
tional NGOs.

The 2004 Photoshare Photo Contest is sponsored in part by Nikon.

Peggy D'Adamo