[afro-nets] 9th ECOWAS Nutrition Forum

9th ECOWAS Nutrition Forum

Dear All,

Next 20 - 24th September in Cotonou, the 15 countries of the
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), coordinated
by the West African Health Organization (WAHO) will organize the
9th ECOWAS nutrition Forum, gathering partners, nutritionists.

The technical theme this year will focus on Nutrition and

Dr Thiam Ismael
Nutrition and Child Survival Officer
Tel. +226-20-97-57-75

Please see the announcement below.

9th ECOWAS Nutrition Forum

20-24-September, 2004:
Cotonou, Benin

Technical theme: NUTRITION AND HIV

The West African Health Organization (WAHO) a specialized agency
of ECOWAS (Economic Community of West Africa States), will hold
his 9th Annual ECOWAS Nutrition Forum, from the 20-24 September,
2004 in Cotonou, Benin. The Forum brings together nutritionists
from the 15 member states of ECOWAS, and partners who support
the forum.

The main objectives of the forum are the following:

* Develop common, pertinent and appropriate strategies for pre-
venting nutritional problems in the ECOWAS sub-region;

* Promote information and experience exchange amongst nutrition
actors and the operationalization and strengthening of national
nutrition networks in ECOWAS member states.

The forum devotes a day to provide a technical update for par-
ticipants on a pertinent nutrition issue in the region. The
technical theme for this year's forum will be Nutrition and
HIV/AIDS. In spite of considerable efforts made to in the man-
agement of persons living with HIV/AIDS, the prevention of
mother-to-child transmission of the HIV virus and access to anti
retro viral drugs, the involvement of nutritionists in the plan-
ning and implementation of national AIDS control programs re-
mains relatively weak.

The technical update sessions will:

* Provide participants with the most recent scientific and po-
litical orientations around the subject of nutrition and HIV;

* Facilitate exchanges of experiences, best practices and les-
sons learned among actors and partners working on the theme;

* Identify strategies for strengthening the capacity of nutri-
tionists in the region in support of national AIDS control pro-
grams, and specifically in relation to providing nutrition care
and support for persons living with HIV/AIDS and preventing
mother-to-child transmission of the disease.

For more information please contact:

Dr Ismael Thiam
WAHO Nutrition/Child Survival Specialist
01 BP 153 Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Tel. +226-97-57-75
Fax: +226-97-57-72

In Benin:

Dr Raima Moudachirou
National Nutrition Focal Point of Benin