[afro-nets] FANTA seeks M&E Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Practices

FANTA seeks M&E Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Practices

Dear Friends,

I recently received this mailing from Alison Tumilowicz of
FANTA, and please contact her directly with any information:
mailto:atumilowicz@smtp.aed.org. Hope you can help, and thanks
in advance for any assistance!! Please also note that this pro-
ject is seeking examples from around the world!

All best wishes,
Janet Feldman, KAIPPG International

The Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project at
AED is reviewing current monitoring and evaluation systems of
food and nutrition interventions for people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHA). Specifically we are looking for what indicators, tar-
gets, and data collection procedures are being used to measure
outcomes and impacts of nutrition care and support for PLWHA, so
we can learn from these M&E practices.

If there are no written reports, but people have experiences to
share, we would appreciate about these as well. Interventions
could include: nutrition assessment; nutrition education and
counselling; supplementary food assistance; therapeutic food as-
sistance; micronutrient supplementation; and strengthening live-
lihoods and food access.

I am writing to you to ask for your assistance in locating and
obtaining any monitoring and evaluation plans, guidelines, pro-
gram reports and other documents with this information. Also, we
would really appreciate if you could forward the names, email
and phone numbers of other people and programs that we could
contact for this purpose.


Alison Tumilowicz
Tel.: +1-202-884-8632